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Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code
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Forum: Need help with ShortKeeper?
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Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code
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Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code
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ShortKeeper in Egypt! (review and tutorial) |
Posted by: denilama - 03-20-2018, 09:56 AM - Forum: ShortKeeper suggestions and feedback
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Review & tutorial of ShortKeeper in Arabic:
عند العمل على جهاز الكمبيوتر وبالتحديد على نظام تشغيل ويندوز، فإنك عادة تقوم بتشغيل وفتح مهام بشكل اعتيادي ومتكرر، مثل إدخال وكتابة النصوص، فتح المجلدات والملفات، زيارة المواقع وتشغيل البرامج، نسخ ولصق النصوص إلى غير ذلك من المهام الاعتيادية، طبعا قيامك بهذه الأمرور مرارا وتكرارا وبدون توقف، يعد أولا مضيعة للوقت وثانيا جلبا للملل، وتجنبا لهذا التكرار بامكانك الاستعانة باختصارات لوحة المفاتيح، بفضلها سوف تتمكن – وبنقرة زر – من تشغيل وفتح المهام الاعتيادية سريعا وبشكل ممتع، وتحقيقا لهذا الغرض نقترح عليك في مقالة اليوم برنامج ShortKeeper فتابع معي لكي نتعرف سويا على مميزاته وطريقة تشغيله من هذا الشرح المبسط.
See complete article (with pictures) at: http://www.pcfacile1.com/archives/14504
Keyboard Shortcut - Get Geolocation Data of a Selected IP address |
Posted by: denilama - 03-16-2018, 08:29 AM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code
- Replies (3)
This following script will help you quickly bring up geolocation data for a selected IP address. The script works by copying selected content to the clipboard, which, if it looks like an IPv4 address (e.g., will start “iplocation.net” with your default browser. The IP address is automatically entered as a query. This will give you the geolocation data for the IP address.
Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!
ClipSaved := ClipboardAll
Clipboard =
SendInput, ^c
ClipWait, 2
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox % "Failed attempt to copy text to clipboard."
IpAddress := Trim(Clipboard)
FoundPos := RegExMatch(IPAddress, "^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$")
if (FoundPos)
Run % "https://www.iplocation.net/?query=" . IpAddress
MsgBox % "Invalid IPv4 address selected!"
Clipboard := ClipSaved
The script will restore the previous clipboard content.
Spaces and tabs at the beginning and end of the selection will be omitted from the selection.
An error message will be displayed (line #7) if nothing is selected. The IP address verification occurs at line #12.
If you would like to launch the geolocation website (iplocation.net) with a non-default web browser, replace line #14 with one of the following:
For Chrome
Run % "chrome.exe " . "https://www.iplocation.net/?query=" . IpAddress
For Edge
Run % "microsoft-edge:https://www.iplocation.net/?query=" . IpAddress
For Firefox
Run % "firefox.exe " . "https://www.iplocation.net/?query=" . IpAddress
For Internet Explorer
Run % "iexplore.exe " . "https://www.iplocation.net/?query=" . IpAddress
Keyboard Shortcut - Open Several Web Pages at Once |
Posted by: denilama - 03-15-2018, 04:07 PM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code
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ShortKeeper already has a basic “Launch website” command to let you quickly create a shortcut to launch a web page. But what if you want a shortcut that will launch several web pages at once? ShortKeeper has you covered with its “Run AutoHotkey code” command.
The following three scripts (one for IE, one for Chrome, and one for Firefox) launch four websites (cedeq.com, autohotkey.com, google.com, and bing.com). The scripts are designed to launch all four websites in different tabs inside the same browser window.
Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!
Google Chrome:
run % "chrome.exe " . "https://www.cedeq.com"
winwait ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
run % "chrome.exe " . "https://www.autohotkey.com"
run % "chrome.exe " . "https://www.google.com"
run % "chrome.exe " . "https://www.bing.com"
Mozilla Firefox:
run % "firefox.exe " . "https://www.cedeq.com"
winwait ahk_class MozillaWindowClass
run % "firefox.exe " . "https://www.autohotkey.com"
run % "firefox.exe " . "https://www.google.com"
run % "firefox.exe " . "https://www.bing.com"
Internet Explorer (IE):
Attention: This AutoHotkey script is kept for reference purposes only. It is based on the web browser Internet Explorer, which is no longer supported or updated by Microsoft.
Pwb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
Pwb.Navigate("https://www.autohotkey.com", 2048)
Pwb.Navigate("https://www.google.com", 2048)
Pwb.Navigate("https://www.bing.com", 2048)
Simple enough!!
ShortKeeper Review & Tutorial from Laxman Singh |
Posted by: denilama - 03-11-2018, 01:39 PM - Forum: ShortKeeper suggestions and feedback
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Nice ShortKeeper review & tutorial:
...There are many application launcher software and software to create shortcuts for frequently used text also available but such software work for a specific purpose only. This software, on the other hand, is multipurpose and therefore good to use. You can also modify and delete any hotkey when you no longer want to use that particular hotkey for a specific command...
...The interface of this free keyboard shortcut manager software is neatly divided into three sections...
...This software is pretty helpful when you perform some common tasks regularly and need some simpler way to perform those tasks. Instead of manually typing a frequently used text, open a file, application, save selected text in a text file, you can set custom hotkeys for all such tasks using this free keyboard shortcut manager. It will make things easier...
See complete article (with pictures) at:
Thanks Laxman!
Keyboard Shortcut - Get a Word Count of Selected Text |
Posted by: denilama - 03-07-2018, 04:20 PM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code
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Have you ever had to copy and paste text to Microsoft Word just to get a word count? If so, this AutoHotkey script may interest you. It counts how many words are in a selected portion of text (from a website, document, or other), pretty much like the Word Count function in MS Word.
The script counts the number of non-whitespace character groups. The count result is supposed to be the same as MS Word (2010) in English and French languages. So this script will count "It’s AutoHotkey-based" and "Bonjour !" as two words.
Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!
ClipSaved := ClipboardAll
Clipboard =
SendInput, ^c
ClipWait, 2
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox % "Failed attempt to read selected text."
NewClipboard := Trim(Clipboard)
Count := 0
Position := 1
while, Position := RegExMatch(NewClipboard, "\S+", Out, Position+Strlen(Out))
MsgBox % "Words :" . Count
;Clipboard := ClipSaved
The script replaces the clipboard content with the selected text. The last line of code (#18) can be uncommented (delete ';' at the beginning of the line) to restore the clipboard with its previous content.
This script is optimized to be used with ShortKeeper. As such, there is no "Return" at the end and variable(s) don’t need to be cleared. ShortKeeper will do this automatically. Just copy/paste the code in the PARAM field in ShortKeeper, set your hotkey, save, and you’re ready to use your new keyboard shortcut.
Open document vs Quick notepad with ShortKeeper |
Posted by: Philippe27 - 03-06-2018, 10:48 AM - Forum: ShortKeeper suggestions and feedback
- Replies (1)
If you have a todo list document like me that you write in every now and then, you have to know the difference between opening it with the function ''Open document'' and the ''Quick notepad'' one in ShorKeeper.
When I use my todo list with notepad, I always minimize it instead of closing it because I know it is not the last time I will use it during the day. With ShorKeeper, if I use the "Open document" function to open my todo list, it will work. The problem comes when I minimize it. By doing so, when I will trigger the macro that opens my todo list, it will re-open it instead of bringing back the one I minimized.
I bet you know what's next! If you minimize your notepad todo list, and you trigger the macro that opens it through the "Quick notepad" function, it will bring back the one you already opened. It is a cleaner way to use it because you always have the latest saved version of your document instead of having 3, 4 or 5 opened todo list on your desktop not knowing which one is the last saved.
Keyboard Shortcut - Set Font Size in MS Word |
Posted by: denilama - 03-01-2018, 09:16 AM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code
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With AutoHotkey you can easily set properties in Microsoft Word (e.g., font size, font name, font style, font color, line spacing, etc.). The following script is designed to set font size. By adapting this script, you can set any property you want in Word using AutoHotkey.
Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!
if WinActive("ahk_class OpusApp")
ControlGet, hwnd, hwnd, , _WwG1, A
if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", 0xFFFFFFF0, "Ptr", -VarSetCapacity(IID,16)+NumPut(0x46000000000000C0, NumPut(132096, IID, "Int64"), "Int64"), "Ptr*", pacc) = 0
WordApp := ComObject(9, pacc, 1).Application
WordApp.Selection.Font.Size := 24
MsgBox 0x40040, ShortKeeper, There is no Word document window active.
You can replace line 7 in the above script with any of the following command lines to set these properties.
Set font name to Arial Black:
WordApp.Selection.Font.Name := "Arial Black"
Set font style to italic:
WordApp.Selection.Font.Italic := 1
Set font style to bold:
WordApp.Selection.Font.Bold := 1
Unset bold font style:
WordApp.Selection.Font.Bold := 0
Set font color to red:
WordApp.Selection.Font.Color := 0xFF0000
Set line spacing to 10.5:
WordApp.Selection.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing := 10.5
The script will set the font color if the Word document is the active window and is not busy (e.g. selecting a command).
If you want to set any other property in Word but don’t know how, the Word macro recorder can help. Start the macro recorder, set the property manually, and then view the resulting macro. This will give you an idea of how to do it with AutoHotkey.
This script is optimized to be used with ShortKeeper. As such, there is no exception handling, no “Return” at the end, and variable(s) don’t need to be cleared. ShortKeeper does all of this automatically. Just copy/paste the code in the PARAM field in ShortKeeper, set your hotkey, save, and you’re ready to use your new keyboard shortcut.
Keyboard Shortcut - Set Font Color in Excel |
Posted by: denilama - 02-27-2018, 02:32 PM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code
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The following AutoHotkey script lets you set a font color in Excel. The script can also be easily adapted to set several other useful commands (like protect/unprotect a worksheet, set a cell formula/color/border, set currency, set conditional formatting, and so on).
The script will set the font color if the Excel worksheet is the active window and is not busy (e.g. editing, selecting a command).
Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!
if WinActive("ahk_class XLMAIN")
ControlGet, hwnd, hwnd, , Excel71, A
if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", 0xFFFFFFF0, "Ptr", -VarSetCapacity(IID,16)+NumPut(0x46000000000000C0, NumPut(132096, IID, "Int64"), "Int64"), "Ptr*", pacc) = 0
ExcelApp := ComObject(9, pacc, 1).Application
ExcelApp.Selection.Font.ColorIndex := 3
MsgBox 0x40040, ShortKeeper, There is no Excel worksheet window active.
The last number (3) at line #7 sets the color of the font to red. A decimal number from 0 to 56 allows for different color options. The following list includes some common color choices:
- Auto, 0
- Black, 1
- White, 2
- Red, 3
- Bright Green, 4
- Blue, 5
- Yellow, 6
- Pink, 7
- Turquoise, 8
- Dark Red, 9
- Green, 10
- Dark Blue, 11
- Dark Yellow, 12
- Violet, 13
- Teal, 14
- Grey 25, 15
- Grey 50, 16
This script is optimized to be used with ShortKeeper. As such, there is no exception handling, no “Return” at the end, and variable(s) don’t need to be cleared. ShortKeeper does all of this automatically. Just copy/paste the code in the PARAM field in ShortKeeper, set your hotkey, save, and you’re ready to use your new keyboard shortcut.
Mouse click |
Posted by: Philippe27 - 02-26-2018, 11:49 PM - Forum: Need help with ShortKeeper?
- Replies (1)
Hi, I am trying to get to double click on my shortkeeper logo on my desktop to open it. When I press F1 it triggers my sound control instead of writing my screen coordinates (x, y). What can I do about it?