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Lightbulb Keyboard Shortcut - Protect/Unprotect the Current Worksheet in Excel
Posted by: denilama - 04-20-2018, 08:34 AM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code - No Replies

It is a good habit to protect a worksheet against inadvertent changes when analyzing its data. The following Autohotkey code (script) lets you create a keyboard shortcut that will quickly protect an unprotected worksheet. The same keyboard shortcut will unprotect a protected worksheet. This shortcut works with any worksheet; no Excel add-in required.

Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!

if WinActive("ahk_class XLMAIN")
  ControlGet, hwnd, hwnd, , Excel71, A
  if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", 0xFFFFFFF0, "Ptr", -VarSetCapacity(IID,16)+NumPut(0x46000000000000C0, NumPut(132096, IID, "Int64"), "Int64"), "Ptr*", pacc) = 0
    ExcelSheet := ComObject(9, pacc, 1).ActiveSheet
  if (ExcelSheet.ProtectContents)
    MsgBox ,,,% "Worksheet Unprotected.", 1
    MsgBox ,,,% "Worksheet Protected.", 1
  MsgBox 0x40040, ShortKeeper, There is no Excel worksheet window active.

The setting will be applied if the Excel worksheet is the active window and is not busy (e.g. editing, selecting a command).

The number “1” at lines #10 and #15 sets a 1-second duration for a dialog box to appear indicating the change process. For the dialog box to remain longer, simply adjust the value (e.g., 2, 3, etc.).

This script is optimized to be used with ShortKeeper. As such, there is no exception handling, no “Return” at the end, and variable(s) don’t need to be cleared. ShortKeeper does all of this automatically. Just copy/paste the code in the PARAM field in ShortKeeper, set your hotkey, save, and you’re ready to use your new keyboard shortcut.

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  ShortKeeper vs Autohotkey
Posted by: Oli_B - 04-17-2018, 09:37 AM - Forum: ShortKeeper suggestions and feedback - Replies (1)

Comparing these two is like comparing a car and a tire. You need both and they complement each other. In this case, Shortkeeper is the vehicle that uses AutoHotKey tires...and trust me it is a Cadillac! 

For those who don't know, AutoHotKey (AHK) is an open-source scripting language for Windows which consist of tasks automation like auto-clicking, macros, etc. ShortKeeper is a platform that integrates AHK and is a lot less difficult to use if you want to manage hotkeys. Let's be honest. Do you have enough time to learn a programmation language? The time you will need to learn it will be longer than the time it will make you save!

So to make a long story short, ShortKeeper is 'AutoHotKey for dummies'. You select which category of macro you want to have and you write it down plain and simple. Shortkeeper converts it into AHK language and you have nothing else to do.

And because you don’t need to learn AHK language to set your macros, on the long run, it is an advantage to use ShortKeeper because six months from now or twelve months from now you will be able to modify or add new macros compare to AutoHotKey where you would have forget everything you learned back then.

For those of you who already know how AHK works, you also have a category in ShortKeeper that allows you to put your AHK skills on display! Well don't waste any time and go download ShortKeeper here at https://cedeq.com/shortkeeper/en and get in the driver seat!

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Lightbulb Keyboard Shortcut - Highlight the Current Row in Excel
Posted by: denilama - 04-12-2018, 02:45 PM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code - Replies (1)

A keyboard shortcut to quickly highlight a row in Excel (change its background color to yellow, for instance) will certainly be appreciated by someone having to analyze plenty of data. The following AutoHotkey script allows you to do exactly this. Also, if the row is already highlighted, the same keyboard shortcut will simply remove the highlight. This shortcut works with any worksheet; no Excel add-in required.

Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!

HCIndex := 6
if WinActive("ahk_class XLMAIN")
  ControlGet, hwnd, hwnd, , Excel71, A
  if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", 0xFFFFFFF0, "Ptr", -VarSetCapacity(IID,16)+NumPut(0x46000000000000C0, NumPut(132096, IID, "Int64"), "Int64"), "Ptr*", pacc) = 0
    ExcelApp := ComObject(9, pacc, 1).Application
  Row := ExcelApp.Rows(ExcelApp.Selection.Row).Interior
  if Row.ColorIndex = HCIndex
    Row.ColorIndex := 0
    Row.ColorIndex := HCIndex
  MsgBox 0x40040, ShortKeeper, There is no Excel worksheet window active.

The script will highlight the row (or remove the highlight) if the Excel worksheet is the active window and is not busy (e.g. editing, selecting a command).

The number 6 in line #2 sets the color of the highlight to yellow. A decimal number from 0 to 56 allows for different color options. The following list includes some common color choices:
  • Auto, 0
  • Black, 1
  • White, 2
  • Red, 3
  • Bright Green, 4
  • Blue, 5
  • Yellow, 6
  • Pink, 7
  • Turquoise, 8
  • Dark Red, 9
  • Green, 10
  • Dark Blue, 11
  • Dark Yellow, 12
  • Violet, 13
  • Teal, 14
  • Grey 25, 15
  • Grey 50, 16

This script is optimized to be used with ShortKeeper. As such, there is no exception handling, no “Return” at the end, and variable(s) don’t need to be cleared. ShortKeeper does all of this automatically. Just copy/paste the code in the PARAM field in ShortKeeper, set your hotkey, save, and you’re ready to use your new keyboard shortcut.

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Lightbulb Keyboard Shortcut - Auto Login to a TMX Money Account
Posted by: denilama - 04-05-2018, 03:42 PM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code - No Replies

Stock trading requires you to be fast. If you have an account on TMX Money (https://web.tmxmoney.com) and want a keyboard shortcut that will automatically log you in, the following AutoHotkey script will help. The shortcut will open TMX Money in Internet Explorer, enter your username and password in the appropriate fields, and bring you to your TMX Money home page.

Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!

Attention: This AutoHotkey script is kept for reference purposes only. It is based on the web browser Internet Explorer, which is no longer supported or updated by Microsoft.

Username := "YourUsername"
Password := "YourPassword"
URL := "https://web.tmxmoney.com/account/login-register.php"
wb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
wb.Visible := True
TimeOut := 20
While wb.readyState != 4 || wb.document.readyState != "complete" || wb.busy
 Sleep, 1000
 TimeOut := TimeOut - 1
 if (TimeOut = 0)
Sleep, 1000
wb.document.getElementById("qm-username").value := Username
wb.document.getElementById("qm-password").value := Password

At lines #1 and #2, “YourUsername” and “YourPassword” must be replaced with the actual user name and password (do not remove quotation marks).

At line #7, a timeout delay of 20 seconds is set in case the script becomes unresponsive (e.g. due to a slow Internet connection) in attempting to load the TMX Money login page. If the timeout expires, the script will simply terminate without inserting the username and password. The timeout delay can be changed if needed.

At line #15, a 1000 milliseconds pause is inserted after the TMX Money login page is loaded and before inserting the username and password. You might have to lengthen the pause for a slow computer.

This script will also work if you are already logged into TMX Money. It will start Internet Explorer even if this is not your default browser. The script was tested with Windows 7 and 10.

If TMX Money changes the way its web page works, this script might stop working. If you experience any problems, please let me know with a post on this thread. You can subscribe to the thread to be notified of any updates.

Use a password stored in an external encrypted file

Someone with access to your ShortKeeper application might be able to see your TMX Money password, which some users may find insecure. This section explains how to use a password stored in a separate file that is protected with a master password.

To begin, replace line #2 of the script above with the following two lines:
PasswordName := "tmxmoney"
ExternalFileName := "T:\MyData.ini"
At line #2, "T:\MyData.ini" must refer to the path and filename of the external password file (do not remove quotation marks).

Now, to get the password from the external file, the following line of code must be inserted between line #16 and line #17 of the script above:
IniRead, Password, % ExternalFileName, % "Passwords", % PasswordName

The following line inserted between lines #17 and #18 will make sure the password in the computer memory is cleared as soon as possible:
Password :=

Then you will have to create an external file (a simple text file will do) with an ".ini" extension with content like this:


You can add all of your other passwords to the same file.

If the external file cannot be read (e.g. if it is encrypted), the inserted password will be "ERROR" instead of the actual password.

There are several ways to encrypt/decrypt the external file. If you are using TrueCrypt, you could insert the following code between lines #3 and #4 above. This will prompt you to enter the master password if the file is not already decrypted:
if (!FileExist(ExternalFileName))
TrueCryptPath := "C:\Program Files (x86)\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt.exe"
ContainerPath := "U:\TrueCryptContainer.tc"
RunWait % TrueCryptPath . " /q /lt /v " . ContainerPath
At line #3, "C:\Program Files (x86)\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt.exe" must refer to the path of TrueCrypt.exe (do not remove quotation marks).

At line #4, "U:\TrueCryptContainer.tc" must refer to the path of the TrueCrypt file container (do not remove quotation marks).[/i]

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  Enterpad availability & order
Posted by: Melb12 - 04-04-2018, 12:30 PM - Forum: The Enterpad corner - Replies (1)

Greetings from Melbourne, Aust!

Could you please advise on price + shipping costs & turnaround time to Aust.

We have purchased a few before from you but lost my contact details.

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  How to put a delay
Posted by: Philippe27 - 03-26-2018, 06:22 PM - Forum: Need help with ShortKeeper? - Replies (5)

One of my shortcut is to enter my username then my password and then press enter all in one. The problem is the enter is too quick and sometimes my password is not completed before the enter occures. It leads to an error and I have to do it all over again. Is there a way to have a delay between the end of the password and the enter?

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Lightbulb Keyboard Shortcut - Insert Today’s Date Stamp in any Document
Posted by: denilama - 03-26-2018, 08:59 AM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code - No Replies

When you’re working with a memo, letter, report or any other document where you need to write out the date, instead of typing it out on your keyboard, it’s quicker and easier to use a hotkey. With MS Word and Outlook, it is possible to insert the date using the “Alt+Shift+D” hotkey. With Excel, a different hotkey “Ctrl+;” is used. Some applications, however, do not have any hotkeys to insert the date. The following scripts will insert the current date stamp into any application (with a single hotkey):

Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!


SendInput, %A_DD%/%A_MM%/%A_YYYY%
SendInput, %A_YYYY%/%A_MM%/%A_DD%
Dec 30, 2000
SendInput, %A_MMM% %A_DD%, %A_YYYY%
December 30, 2000
SendInput, %A_MMMM% %A_DD%, %A_YYYY%

You can learn more about AutoHotkey built-in variables (A_*) here: https://autohotkey.com/docs/Variables.htm#date

To insert a formatted date (and time) stamp corresponding to your locale and language
FormatTime, DateTime
SendInput, %DateTime%

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  Shortkeeper on a USB key!
Posted by: Philippe27 - 03-22-2018, 09:38 AM - Forum: ShortKeeper suggestions and feedback - No Replies

I was using ShortKeeper working from home but I found out you can upload your ShortKeeper folder on a USB key and take it to your workplace! You have nothing to install. Simply plug the USB device, then doubleclick on the ShortKeeper application in your Shortkeeper folder on your USB device...and voilà! You are ready to go. The best thing about it : it does not install anything on your computer, therefore it keeps it clean and won't be blocked by your company software security control (at least at my workplace).

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Thumbs Up How to create a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using AutoHotkey code
Posted by: denilama - 03-21-2018, 07:18 PM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code - Replies (2)

This short tutorial will show you how to create a keyboard shortcut using AutoHotkey code in ShortKeeper.

Note: ShortKeeper includes AutoHotkey (as a shortcut processor). At the end of this tutorial, you could close ShortKeeper, and AutoHotkey will continue processing your keyboard shortcut(s) in the background. ShortKeeper is only needed to add/modify/delete shortcuts, manually start/stop AutoHotkey, and set certain operating options.

[Image: ShortKeeperTutorialAhk.png]

  1. In the left column, select the command "Run AutoHotkey code".
    Note: The order of commands in the list can change. The Up/Top/Dn/Bot buttons at the bottom of the list let you move up your most useful command(s).

  2. In the center column, click the button New.
    Note: If you don’t click New you will be editing the selected shortcut in the right-hand column instead of creating a new one.

  3. In the DESC field (center column), type something to identify your shortcut.

  4. In the PARAM field, paste a script or any AHK code.

  5. In the HOTKEY section, define a hotkey to trigger your shortcut.

  6. Finally, click Save.

That’s it! Pressing the defined hotkey will trigger your shortcut (if AutoHotkey is running).

If AutoHotkey is not running, just start it with the Start/Stop AutoHotkey button. It is possible to set an option (in the "Option" tab) to start AutoHotkey automatically at Windows start-up. There is also an option to start AutoHotkey automatically when ShortKeeper starts. A small hand icon in the system tray, usually at the bottom right of the screen, will indicate that AutoHotkey is active.

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Lightbulb Keyboard Shortcut - Find out the Hex Color Code anywhere on Screen
Posted by: denilama - 03-20-2018, 10:06 AM - Forum: Keyboard shortcuts with AutoHotkey code - No Replies

If you are a web developer or a graphic designer, you probably have color related tasks. There are plenty of fancy GUI-tools to help you with that. But if you just need to quickly find out the hexadecimal color code (RGB) at any point on your screen, this small script will do the job. Simply move the mouse pointer to the desired location, and use the keyboard shortcut to run the script.

Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!

MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
PixelGetColor, color, %MouseX%, %MouseY%, Slow|RGB
Clipboard := color
MsgBox % "The color at the current cursor position is " color "."

The color will be shown in a dialog box and placed in the clipboard.

At the end of line #2, RGB can be replaced with BGR to swap the red and blue components.

The color will be shown in hexadecimal format (e.g., 0xFFFFFF). If you would like to remove the “0x” prefix, add the following instruction between lines #1 and #2:
StringTrimLeft, color, color, 2

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