Good morning. I am a new user of Enterpad120. Days ago I sent them an email asking how to get Spanish keyboard emulator.
Now I would like you to help me with the following two questions:
- In a .pos file, how can I split a long line in two.
- In EPConfig I often get the "Wrong Device ID" error. What is the solution ? I reconnect the Enterpad120, but the error reappears.
The purchase date of Enterpad is February 5
I put this post in the form at and maybe I should have put it here in the forum, right?
Note: I add the catch of the error in a .jpg file.
Thank you. Sincerely,
Manuel Garcia Tort
Good morning Manuel,
We promptly responded to your three emails? Did you receive our emails?
You can split a long line in two by simply using the Enter key on your regular keyboard.
You say that you often get a "Wrong Device ID" message when downloading. Do you have more details? How many times have you been able to successfully download a configuration file?
Good afternoon. Thanks for answering. The question is that I have not been able to access the forum for various reasons until now.
(03-16-2020, 09:01 AM)denilama Wrote: [ -> ]You can split a long line in two by simply using the Enter key on your regular keyboard.
As for the subject of dividing a line, making tests, I managed to discover the way that you indicate. Thank you.
(03-16-2020, 09:01 AM)denilama Wrote: [ -> ]You say that you often get a "Wrong Device ID" message when downloading. Do you have more details? How many times have you been able to successfully download a configuration file?
As for the error issue "Wrong Device ID" it seems that I have already solved it.
The error occurred if I had previously loaded a Shortkeeper.ahk and an Enterpad.ahk in the system simultaneously. When closing these files from the Windows environment, loading a .pos file occurs without any problem. Thanks for the interest
(03-16-2020, 09:01 AM)denilama Wrote: [ -> ]We promptly responded to your three emails? Did you receive our emails?
No. I have not received any email. I don't know if the email address is correct. If it is not correct, I will send it to you again.
What is the address you have?
Now I just need to solve the theme of the Spanish keyboard emulator. Do I get the Spanish.emu file?
Thanks for your time.
Manuel, we sent the emails (and the tracking information about the Enterpad shipping) to this address:
The emulator file is a simple text file to be included in the EPConfig folder. We never had to create an emulator file for the Spanish keyboard. Often people do emulator files themselves. It will be a pleasure for me to create this emulator file for you (with your help), and so, make it available for other Spanish users.
Can you confirm with me that the following picture represents a Spanish keyboard? (if not, do you have a better picture?)
Hello denilama. I don't know what could have happened with the emails. The address is correct, but I have not received them. I have looked at the trash and the spam mail, and they are not there either. I dont know. It's a mystery.
As for the keyboard theme, yes, the keyboard is correct as a Spanish keyboard. So I assume that the key named "Start" on the left corresponds to the left win key. It is right ?
Sincerely, Manel.
Yes "Start" and "Win" correspond.
I will create a new "Spanish.emu" text file (from the existing "English_US.emu" file) in the EPConfig folder. I would like to start by adding some important Spanish characters. Do you have any suggestions?
Okay delilama.
In Spanish (Castilian) the accented characters á é í ó ú ï ü with their corresponding capital letters Á É Í Ó Ú Ï Ü are used, in addition, of course, the letter ñ (Ñ), which is already defined on the keyboard next to it of the letter L.
The same Spanish keyboard, when used in Catalan, in addition to the characters é í ó ú ï ü with their corresponding capital letters É Í Ó Ú Ï Ü, also uses the accented characters à è ò and À È Ò, also, of course, from the letter ç (Ç), which is already defined on the keyboard next to the key with the character ({). Also in Catalan a key called "l geminada" is used, which is written with the combination of the keys l·l (L·L).
Attached is a photo of the layout of the QWERTY keyboard that we use.
Thanks. Sincerely
One more thing: I try to introduce the sequence
"autohotkey\enterpad" in the Enterpad memory, and the character "\" is not written. I have tried the sequence "AutoHotkey\enterpad" and the sequence "AutoHotkey<alt><n9><2><alt>enterpad" and neither works.
Any suggestion?
Thank you Manel for your help.
I suggest you first install the latest version of EPConfig (lately updated). EPConfig v5.18.0.1 is now Unicode compliant and portable (you can uninstall the old version):
You will find the Spanish emulator file to copy in the EPConfig folder and the configuration file used to test everything in this zip file:
The "\" should work now.
I don’t know where is the "l geminada" key on the keyboard. Can you tell me where?
Let me know if other characters need to be added or if you have a problem.
Perfect delilama. I will test the files. I think they will work well.
As for the character "l geminada", it is not really a character. It is a combination of three characters, which are l·l (or L·L). In Catalan it is used as a single character, but it is not found graphically on the keyboard. They are the characters that are in the keys (75 or 18,75,18), (18,38,18) and (75 or 18,75,18) of the Spanish.emu file that you have sent me.
Anyway, I solved it momentarily using ShortKeeper, assigning the l·l characters to the Alt-L key combination on my keyboard.
Thanks for everything. A pleasure
Sincerely, Manel