Hi - we have changed the computer which we use the Enterpad. I plugged in the Enterpad and everything worked fine; however, I cant find where the icon is that we previously pinned to the taskbar that we used to access editing. Can you please assist! thanks
Can you give me more information about your setup? What was the version of Windows on the first computer? And what about on the new one? Are you using the Enterpad with its AutoHotkey script template, ShortKeeper, VBA linker, or its configuration utility (EPConfig)?
Windows 7 professional on both laptops. I didn’t install anything, as I plugged it in and it worked – and I thought ‘great’ and didn’t consider the editing side of things!
Do I now have to put the codes back in – seems to have wiped them?
The configuration utility (EPConfig) is only to configure or change the Enterpad codes. Once the codes are configured, the Enterpad will keep them in its memory. If the Enterpad codes were wiped, it is probably because the Enterpad was configured with an empty configuration file (a file with the “.pos” extension) instead of with the last configuration file you used. Does this make sense to you?
As you probably imagine, it doesn’t make sense to me! – however, I put all the codes back in, so that the Enterpad is operational again. thanks for your help.
I used that tool for a while, that is a perfect time saver!
Hi. I am also using Enterpad. That tool is a key to a successful business. All that shortcuts are saving so much money that I think that without that tool I’d be wasting so much time! You need a crew to do all the things that you can do by yourself only using that tab! By the way, when I’ve been working for one company, they also used them, and they were collaborating with one of the best
los angeles IT company. Actually, if you experience that kind of problems as described above you can ask them for help. Their staff and support in particular is very friendly and they can solve the problem with your Enterpad and not only really fast.
Thank you MurrayMi for your testimony.