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Full Version: How to create a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using AutoHotkey code
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This short tutorial will show you how to create a keyboard shortcut using AutoHotkey code in ShortKeeper.

Note: ShortKeeper includes AutoHotkey (as a shortcut processor). At the end of this tutorial, you could close ShortKeeper, and AutoHotkey will continue processing your keyboard shortcut(s) in the background. ShortKeeper is only needed to add/modify/delete shortcuts, manually start/stop AutoHotkey, and set certain operating options.

[Image: ShortKeeperTutorialAhk.png]

  1. In the left column, select the command "Run AutoHotkey code".
    Note: The order of commands in the list can change. The Up/Top/Dn/Bot buttons at the bottom of the list let you move up your most useful command(s).

  2. In the center column, click the button New.
    Note: If you don’t click New you will be editing the selected shortcut in the right-hand column instead of creating a new one.

  3. In the DESC field (center column), type something to identify your shortcut.

  4. In the PARAM field, paste a script or any AHK code.

  5. In the HOTKEY section, define a hotkey to trigger your shortcut.

  6. Finally, click Save.

That’s it! Pressing the defined hotkey will trigger your shortcut (if AutoHotkey is running).

If AutoHotkey is not running, just start it with the Start/Stop AutoHotkey button. It is possible to set an option (in the "Option" tab) to start AutoHotkey automatically at Windows start-up. There is also an option to start AutoHotkey automatically when ShortKeeper starts. A small hand icon in the system tray, usually at the bottom right of the screen, will indicate that AutoHotkey is active.
bro ,, do u have a ready script for enable/disable the internet connection ?
A way to disable the Internet connection with AutoHotkey:

Run, *RunAs %ComSpec% /c netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" admin=disabled,, Hide

A way to enable the Internet connection with AutoHotkey:

Run, *RunAs %ComSpec% /c netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" admin=enabled,, Hide

Tests done with Windows 7.  "Local Area Connection" needs to be your adapter connection's name.