03-16-2018, 08:29 AM
This following script will help you quickly bring up geolocation data for a selected IP address. The script works by copying selected content to the clipboard, which, if it looks like an IPv4 address (e.g., will start “iplocation.net” with your default browser. The IP address is automatically entered as a query. This will give you the geolocation data for the IP address.
Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!
The script will restore the previous clipboard content.
Spaces and tabs at the beginning and end of the selection will be omitted from the selection.
An error message will be displayed (line #7) if nothing is selected. The IP address verification occurs at line #12.
If you would like to launch the geolocation website (iplocation.net) with a non-default web browser, replace line #14 with one of the following:
For Chrome
For Edge
For Firefox
For Internet Explorer
Need help creating a keyboard shortcut with ShortKeeper using the following AutoHotkey code? This 5-minute tutorial will help!
ClipSaved := ClipboardAll
Clipboard =
SendInput, ^c
ClipWait, 2
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox % "Failed attempt to copy text to clipboard."
IpAddress := Trim(Clipboard)
FoundPos := RegExMatch(IPAddress, "^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$")
if (FoundPos)
Run % "https://www.iplocation.net/?query=" . IpAddress
MsgBox % "Invalid IPv4 address selected!"
Clipboard := ClipSaved
The script will restore the previous clipboard content.
Spaces and tabs at the beginning and end of the selection will be omitted from the selection.
An error message will be displayed (line #7) if nothing is selected. The IP address verification occurs at line #12.
If you would like to launch the geolocation website (iplocation.net) with a non-default web browser, replace line #14 with one of the following:
For Chrome
Run % "chrome.exe " . "https://www.iplocation.net/?query=" . IpAddress
For Edge
Run % "microsoft-edge:https://www.iplocation.net/?query=" . IpAddress
For Firefox
Run % "firefox.exe " . "https://www.iplocation.net/?query=" . IpAddress
For Internet Explorer
Run % "iexplore.exe " . "https://www.iplocation.net/?query=" . IpAddress